The Great Victory on Quranic Hermeneutics of Shah Waliyyullah
English Translation of Al Fawz al Kabir fi Usul al-Tafsir
The Great Victory, on Qur’anic Hermeneutics is a manual of the principles and subtleties of Qur’anic tafsir.
In it the author outlines the five fundamental sciences that the Qur’an contains:
– the science of judgements (ahkam) – reminding others of the favours of Allah – the Days of Allah – the Life after Death and – giving particular attention to the science of polemics.
He also reviews the other sciences of tafsir such as:
– the circumstances of revelation (asbab an-nuzul), – abrogating and abrogated ayat (an-nasikh wa’l-mansukh) and – the unusual words and phrases of the Qur’an (ghara’ib al-Qur’an
before concluding the book by looking at the extraordinary and miraculous aspects of the Noble Book, and a final chapter on the meanings of the letters of the Arabic alphabet. This book is one of Shah Waliyyullah’s important works, Originally written in Persian. It helps in clearing the cobwebs of misconception which sometimes crop up in the minds of non-Muslims as well as some Muslims in the study of the Qur’an. It is meant to establish a basis for interpreting the Qur’an. It speaks about the various features of the Quranic style.
About The Author
Qutb al-Din Ahmad ibn ‘Abd al-Rahim, popularly known as Shah Waliyyullah was born on 4th Shawwal 1114 AH/10th February 1703 CE in northern India. He was a descendant of Hadhrat ‘Umar ibn al-Kha??ab(RA) and was thus Qurayshi. He had a traditional education in all the classical sciences from his father and other scholars in India before journeying to Makkah from where he returned in 1145 AH/1733 CE with great knowledge of all the major works of hadith.
He dedicated the rest of his life to teaching in the Madrasah Rahimiyyah and to writing widely on all the known Islamic sciences as well as working indefatigably for the reform of Indian society and the renewal of the din. He died in 1176 AH/1762 CE.
He lived at a critical juncture of Muslim history. India had enjoyed the peaceful and prosperous rule of the Mughals for more than 200 years, but by the time of Shah Waliyyullah, mutually hostile principalities had begun to emerge. Many of the newly emerging quasi independent states were the result of the rising influence of the militant Maratha, Sikh and Hindu communities and Muslim power and glory in the sub-continent, as in other parts of the world, were gradually eroded. It was at this time of utter despair and despondency for Muslims that Shah Waliyyullah was born.
He is among the later scholars who carried the traditions of Al-Ghazzali and Imam Shatibi in combining the essential of Shari’ah, its understanding, development and interpretation to the issues and problems of life. He like Al-Ghazzali took deep stock of Akhira as the explaining point of the relationship between worldly existence and the Hereafter in a meaningful way.
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