إمداد السلفي بأمور وقواعد في المنهج السلفي
Aiding the Salafee by Way of Principles & Guidance Related to the Salafee Methodology
The wisdom of Allaah necessitates that within every time and in every place Allaah will raise up one who will aid His religion and make His Word uppermost, calling to it upon clear insight. Likewise, in contrast to this, he who opposes will oppose from the people of desires who revile Salafiyyah and its people in enmity. Allaah is All Wise, All-Knowing, Sublime, and Well-Informed. He will never allow His Religion to be lost; however, He will allow to be lost those who seek a religion other than that which his Prophets and Messengers came with, may prayers and piece be upon them, from Allaah to the people of the earth.
And if there were, within some times and places, torrential winds which swept the people away with the winds of desire and disheartened many people from Ahlus-Sunnah due to the abundance of those who oppose them, then three affairs should dispel all worries:
The First affair: Is in Allaah’s Statement:
ومن يطع الله والرسول فاولئك مع الذين انعم الله عليهم من النبين والصدقينوالشهداء والصالحين وحسن اولئك رفيقا
The Second Affair: That which has come in the Hadith regarding the seventy-thousand who will enter paradise without any reckoning
The Third Affair: The narration which some of the students of knowledge held its being raised (to the level of a Prophetic Hadeeth) to be correct. That narration is:
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