The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam
Written by the eminent Egyptian scholar, this immensely popular work knew over 20 editions in Arabic before the English translation. It defines the halal and haram in a scholarly manner that is accessible to the common man, dealing mainly with social issues.
This book provides a comprehensive outline of specific everyday issues that Muslims face in practising Islam in contemporary culture. The author gears discussion to modern-day dilemmas, drawing his conclusions about haram and halal from primary Islamic sources.
Qaradawi is probably the foremost scholar of the Sunni Muslim world today. He is known for taking a balanced positions on many religious issues pertaining to what is lawful and unlawful in Islam. (Making it easy for the avarage Muslim) He combines well the traditional knowledge of sharia that he obtained from al-Azhari with a contemporary understanding of the issues that Muslims face today.
Al-Halal wal Haram fil-Islam is widely considered an authority and has enjoyed huge readership in the Muslim world in countless editions and translations. It answers questions facing Muslims today based on authentic references in Islamic jurisprudence and fiqh.
The fields covered include rituals, business dealings, marriage and divorce, food and drink, dress, individual and group relations.
Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Born in Egypt 1926. One of the most prominent scholars of the 20th century. He memorized the Quran before the age of 10. He is an expert on principals of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), Arabic language, and other Islamic Sciences. He has published over 100 books, which are best-sellers in the Islamic world.
His books cover various topics, such as: Fiqh, how to understand the Sunnah, how to understand the Qur’an, a two volume book on Zakat which is considered by many scholars as a treasure house for the Islamic library, environment, Fiqh of Minorities, poetry, and many other topics.
Shaykh Al-Qaradawi represents an original effort to make the comprehensive rules of Islam accessible and understandable to non-specialists, and he always tries to join between the principles of the religion and the problems facing the Muslims today.
His writings (exceeding forty) are widely read and have been translated into many languages. He has also become a very popular on the al-Jazeera satellite television station, with an audience said to be in the tens of millions. In recent religious rulings, Qaradawi has been praised for his condemnation of the 11 September 2001 attacks and critique of the October 2002 bombing of two nightclubs on the Indonesian island of Bali as a heinous crime. His account of Palestinian suicide bombers as martyrs engaged in a just struggle against an occupying force and militarized society that targets them has not been as well received.
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