By B. Shu’ayb
16 Rabi II 1437 | 27 January 2016
This is a summary of The path to Hidayah1 which outlines a guide on how to study Hidayah2.
Hidayah is the commentary of:
# Bidayah al-Mubtadi = Quduri + Jami’ al-Saghir
Hidayah shows the way forward for beginners and provides a summary for the experts.
If you can read Hidayah, you can read:
# al-Ikhtiyar (commentary of al-Mukhtar) by Allm. Mawsuli
# al-Wafi (summary of Kanz) by Allm. Nasafi
N.B: these are equivalent to Hidayah but more refined
How to study Hidayah
To learn the core masa’il in advance study:
Mukhtasar Quduri
Wiqaya (+ summary: Nuqayah)
N.B: Reading these will make way to: Kanz al-Daqa’iq, al-Ikhtiyar, Majma Abhur, Majma al Bahrayn, and Tuhfatul Fuqaha.
To understand the core text use:
# Binayah
# Hashiyatu Laknawi
To delve further, you must know usul and follow one of the two path:
Muhaddithins’ Path:
# Nasb al-Rayah (+ Dirayah)
# ‘Inayah
# I’la al-sunan
Usuliyyins’ Path:
# Fath al-Qadir
# Radd al-Muhtar
# Badai’ al-Sanai’
16 Rabi II 1437 AH
27 January 2015 CE
[1] Nawhami, Muhammad Saifur Rahman. (2012). The Path to Hidayah. Islamic Studies Bulletin (DIBAJ), Number 1. Available at Accessed 27 January 2015
[2] This is the monumental work of Allm. Marghinani on the Hanafi fiqh.